Will the Real CSRPC Artist-in-Residence Please Stand Up? The Artwork of Samantha Hill

Hello Friends!  So . . . the Internet is an interesting place.  A simple Google search will turn up many misconceptions and mistaken identities.  ‘Samantha Hill’ is a common name and there is another popular artist on the Internet that has the same name as me.  She is a young lady from Johannesburg and she makes ‘blood videos’.  If you have Google searched ‘Samantha Hill art’ the ‘blood video’ link popped up on the top of the list.

I have received a few inquiries about the ‘blood videos’, so I decided to give you a short  synopsis of my ‘Greatest Hits’ on this blog so you can learn more about my work.  I promise I will put my own website up after I’m finish with The Gift Project Chicago events. :)

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